As simple as it may seem, prayer is one of the most profound ways of engaging in global missionary work. In Matthew 9:38, Jesus commanded us to “ pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Each of us can engage in intercessory prayer for missionaries and their ministries.


One of the most visible elements of mission involvement are financial donations to missionaries and their ministries. Through financial giving, churches and individuals become partners with missionaries in taking the gospel to the world.


The only way to accomplish the task which God gave us in the Great Commission is by going to “all nations.” This is possible by believers giving their lives to go to other nationalities, by learning foreign languages, and by adapting to foreign cultures. Those who go have a deep conviction that God is calling and leading them to a life of sharing the gospel which results in disciples and church plants. If you feel led to serve in this area, please e-mail us.